Just don't look down! Daredevil tight-rope walker crosses 100ft-high rocky ravine without ANY safety equipment
One gust of wind could lead to almost certain death.
But daredevil tight-rope walker Andy Lewis, 24, appears perfectly relaxed as he crosses a 45ft long wire suspended over a 100ft ravine with no safety equipment.
At one point he even leaps into the air to strike a pose before landing inch perfectly back on the bright orange line.

Reaching new heights: Andy Lewis, 24, risks his life as he inches his way along the narrow tight-rope 100ft above a rocky ravine in California
Not satisfied that his deadly wire act was risky enough - the 6' 2'' daredevil decided to up the stakes by balancing on a part of the body not designed for - the tips of his ankles.
Venturing over an area called the Flat Sands in California, Mr Lewis, was literally at the top of his game.
In one hair raising picture, Andy looks to be praying for salvation as the unforgiving desert loomed ominously below him.
'The line is called ''the Mexican Caulk gun'' I never walked it with or without a leash before,' said Andy from San Francisco, who regularly risks his life in the extreme sport dubbed 'slacklining'.
'If I had lost balance I would either catch the line or die.
'Risking your life for no other reason than to just be able to have the consequence of death on your brain - this is the sport of free solo.

Relaxed: Mr Lewis has has become so confident with the extreme sport, dubbed slacklining, that he is able to jump into the air and strike a comical pose for the camera without losing his balance
'It melts everything else away inside your brain.The more I walk free solo, the more I am free.'
The shaggy haired slackliner was introduced to the sport after graduating from high school in 2004. Since this time Andy has honed his skills and decided to become a full-time slackliner in 2008.

Breathtaking: Mr Lewis would plummet to the hard rocks below if he fell and missed the line
He explained how he is able to balance on his ankles from such a terrifying height without plummeting to his death.
'It is just plain painful to balance on the tops of your ankles,' said Andy.
'The sheer strength it takes to build up the ability to balance on your ankles takes a long time.
'Once you get it though, you have it but in terms of things you can do on a slackline, and the things I have done free solo - I am only scratching the surface of the possibilities.'
Andy is now so dedicated to his art that he lives for it totally - and has even tattooed his arm with the word "slacklife" in commemoration to his beloved high wire sport.
Andy's skill and dedication means that he brims with confidence when he life is literally hangs in the balance.
'Just because I loose my balance, doesn't mean I won't catch the line,' he said.
'It would take a whole hell of a lot for me to miss the line when I have to.
'When I am free soloing, usually I am so confidant with my abilities on the slackline. I just stroll across - it doesn't even look hard.
'That is the problem with slacklining, the better you get at it, the easier it looks.
'That is why I think a lot of people don't get how hard and scary the sport really is.
'The true challenge is masked by years of preparation and trained talent.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1393453/Slackliner-Andy-Lewis-crosses-100ft-rocky-ravine-safety-equipment.html#ixzz1O7dVQhFj