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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

USING smartphones while visiting the loo is causing a surge in PILES.


Increasing numbers of us are so hooked on hi-tech gadgets such as iPhones and BlackBerries that we even use them to chat and play games while using the toilet.

And doctors say this has led to a sharp rise in cases of haemorrhoids, which are now being dubbed "BlackBerry Bottom".

A recent survey found more than eight in ten smartphone owners use their devices while on the throne. Piles cause swellings around the back passage and spending too long on the loo increases the risk.

Long arm of the sore ... Wii can cause painful lesions on hands

Long arm of the sore ... Wii can cause painful lesions on hands

Kent GP Stephanie DeGiorgio warned: "Sitting on a cold, hard surface for a prolonged period can raise the chance of haemorrhoids, so you really should play Angry Birds somewhere more comfortable."

The poll found men were more likely to play games on the toilet, while women made the most calls there. Both sexes admitted checking Facebook, Twitter and emails. And almost all texted.

But our rears are not the only parts of our bodies threatened by new gizmos. Here, we reveal other areas at risk of hi-tech harm.


US doctors recently identified "ringxiety" - where people imagine they hear their phone ringing. A study revealed that more than 60 per cent of mobile phone users suffer from "phantom ringing".


Researchers in India found that people who listen to music on insertable earphones have thousands of times more bacteria in their ears than other people.

Using earphones in our lugholes make them warmer and moister, so bugs can thrive.


Repeated actions with your thumb and forefinger - such as dragging items on a laptop - can cause repetitive strain injury, experts warn. This causes pain in the fingers, thumb and joints, and experts recommend taking a break from gadgets every 30 minutes.


Your mobile can even bring you out in a rash. Mobile phone dermatitis is a skin disorder that, according to the British Association of Dermatologists, can be triggered by spending too long on the blower.


Overuse of gaming consoles, such as the Wii and Xbox, can lead to neutrophilic hidradenitis - painful red lesions on the hands.

It's also known as PlayStation Pimple.

The condition, reported in the British Journal of Dermatology, is said to be caused by excessive sweating from gripping handsets

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